The humour of The Office is not for all people. I know that i've tried the original Ricky Gervais version many times but I just don't find it funny. For this reason I never cared to watch the US version because everybody knows that the UK always does it better. Plus Steve Carrell just bugged me.

I don't even remember what made me suddenly want to watch an episode. But I did, and that episode made me want to watch more. So once again I went and bought a few seasons on DVD. For most of the first season I would cover my eyes embarrassed for Micahel and by what Michael did to others. But he soon grew on me and now I love him. I still don't find the humour of Steve Carrell movies particularly amusing but i'm so glad I gave him a chance. Although to tell you the truth, it was Jim Halpert that won me over.
I made this altered book for my partner in an Office swap. It is based on the season 2 episode: Office Olympics and is a guide to hosting your very own workplace Olympics. I have to say the deleted scenes were EXTREMELY helpful when making this - they reference the rules of the games a lot more than the actual episode did. It was especially helpful for understanding Dunderball.
This was my very first altered board book and it took me so many hours to rip all the plastic and orignal papers from the book so I just had the cardboard left. It was only after I started on another book that I realised it wasn't supposed to be that hard. I had chosen a near impossible book to work with. I now know that it most cases the top layers should just rip off all in one go.
The original book was a Wind in the Willows picture book. I covered the front in a scenic scrapbooking paper and then overlapped sports themed stamps over the top. The Dunder Mifflin logo is from the NBC website.

The words on this page come from the opening ceremony speech that Jim gave. When you read it out yourself you need to add an echo after every few words :-)

Skeet Schruting. Pam named this game in the deleted scenes. Since the game is all about throwing office supplies into Dwight's mug, that's what I decorated the page with. I'm not at all happy with it although I do like the white note stapled to the bottom. I scrunched it up so that it looked like Pam had screwed it into a ball to throw it. If you look closely the words are those of the fax Jim wrote to Dwight when he was pretending to be future-Dwight (fyi, my favourite opener).
Hate Ball is actually just paper football renamed by Kevin because of how much Angela hates it. I made a paper football which is hanging off the side.
Pam Pong. The cute Pam and Jim pictures are from google images. When I find the original artist i'll credit them.
I found the instructions for Flonkkerton (the national sport of Icelandic paper companies) on this website. Hilarious. I took this photo before I had completed the page.
This lovely back page was given to me in a swap.
There are more pages in the book that I didn't take photos of, but I can't remember what the games were. It was unbelieveably hard to part with this book. And not just because it took every minute of an entire week to put together!
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