My sister and I are going on vacation to Disney World later this month. I have been twice before but it will be my sisters first time meeting The Mouse. We are both so excited and I wanted to make her something special for the occasion. We will be having breakfast with Winnie the Pooh and friends and i'm sure that we'll meet many other Disney characters while we wander the park, so I decided to make her an autograph book.
I was inspired by a similar Mickey shaped book I saw on Etsy.
The complete book. Her name begins with an 'A'.

Tied together with string and a bead.

Little cartoons which are supposed to be of my sister, my brothers and I. I know the little ones will insist on signing the book so I designed a page which they could write on. Cute characters were found with Google images.

The rest of the pages:
Baby Tigger and Lumpy
Close up:
Back cover:
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